Design is the first stage of a complex set of construction or reconstruction works. Careful data analysis during the preparation of the project part becomes the guarantee of the fast and quality construction phase.
In the design of medical facilities there are a number of features: requires knowledge of modern medical trends (technology, equipment, finishing materials), the latest achievements, innovation, and is especially important to know the government normative documents in the field of medical engineering. Only a comprehensive knowledge guarantees a quality project execution of medical institution.
More than 10 years "StroiReanimatsiya" corporate group develops health care projects, during this period it has accumulated a great experience in resolving of different objectives in healthcare facilities designing, including the function to be the general designer.
Company’s spesialists provide a full complex of design works of medical buildings at any stage: from inspection of the future construction place to commissioning works in finished buildings.
- Collecting of permission documentation
- Engineering-environmental, geotechnical, engineering-geodetic surveys
- Development of design and estimate documentation
- Approval of design and estimate documentation in all required controlling and supervising instances
- Passing of state examination
- Architectural supervision during the construction phase of the building
Types of design works
Designing of construction objects, reconstruction and major overhaul
- Analysis of purposes and customer’s wishes, development of medical and technological tasks.
- Implementation of architecture and engineering section (measuring works, functional zoning, selection of designs and materials, thermotechnical calculations, calculation of coefficient of natural illumination)
- Development of technological section (development of floor planning solutions, location of services and departments, flows of people movement, inventory and layout diagram of the necessary medical equipment and furniture to further define of engineering networks, etc.)
- Development of wiring diagrams of "clean rooms" systems
- Designing of engineering networks (heating and heat networks, ventilation and air conditioning, water supply and sewerage, power supply, low current networks, communication networks, medical gas supply)
- Estimate documentation
Design of X-ray rooms
- Placement of X-ray diagnostic equipment
- Calculation of protection against ionizing radiation
- General architectural and construction solutions
- Designing of engineering networks